SNS/FANCAFE 2015. 4. 2. 20:12
I'm here after a long time, is everyone doing well~~~~???
Right now~~ It's the perfect weather to go look at cherry blossoms........ But it's raining~~~~~ㅠㅠ
The weather these days is so temperamental.... I want to go out and smell the flowers~~~ Please stop raining~
Now that it's raining I feel like eating chives pancakes♥
I will eat it someday after making it^^
I hope the weather gets sunny soon so that I can go see the cherry blossoms with BANAs^^♣♣
Feeling the warm sunshine~ Looking at the sparkling beautiful flowers~ Walking alongside family or friends~
Go have a great time by going on an exciting cherry blossom viewing trip^^
I shall go see the cherry blossoms soon~~~ And take photographs too~♥
I'm off~ Bye BANAs~ I'll come again!!!!

Source: http://cafe.daum.net/-b1a4/kKIq/89

Translation Credits: skipfire.tistory.com

Please remove all translations with full credits to source and translator

'SNS > FANCAFE' 카테고리의 다른 글

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